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Contact Us


Newsletter Editors:

Content: Joan Hardingham, Alder Carr Farm, creetingnewsletter@gmail.com

Liaison with contributers and advertisers: Kathryn Martin, creetingnewsletter@gmail.com

Advertising: Jennie Blackburn 01449 721369 clerk@csmpc.co.uk

Distribution: David Haynes 01449 722570

Newsletter deadlines: the 15th of the month of:

September (Oct-Nov edition i.e early December and Christmas events) 

November (Dec-Jan edition)

January (Feb-Mar edition)

March (Apr-May i.e. Easter)

May (Jun-Jul i.e. all those mid- summer events)

July (Aug-Sep - the summer holiday events)


Creeting St Mary Parish Councillors

Sue Haynes (Chair) - 01449 722570 (Village Hall Management Committee)

Hugo Craggs (Vice-Chair) - 07815137228 (Community Infrastructure Levy (CiL) /Sustainability)

Jan Palmer - 01449 723997 (Blacksmiths Field / Play Equipment)

Roger Coton - 01449 721526 (Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC))

Lesley Plummer - 01449 720359

Jo Mitchell -  

Marie Broodryk - 

Parish Council Clerk : Jennie Blackburn - 01449 721369

or email: clerk@csmpc.co.uk

Meeting agendas and dates are placed on the village noticeboards during the week prior to the meetings, and also on the Parish Council page of this website.



The 3 village notice boards are located at:

The Village Hall, St Mary’s Gardens and Jack's Green.

The old phone box at Jack's Green contains maps, information and a defibrillator and the notice board at the entrance to Alder Carr Farm has a foot path map.


Diamond Jubilee Village Hall

Janet Mayell (Village Hall Management Committee Chair) 01449 723 952 / Email janetmayell@btinternet.com
To hire all or part of the hall: Contact Booking Clark, Tel 07849 817488 / Email csmbookhall@gmail.com


Creeting St Mary Social Club: csm_socialclub@outlook.com.

Lisa Nobes (Chair), William Barnes, Secretary 0777814651


Lilley's Wood

Work Parties monthly meetings

contact William Barnes 07771 814651. wbarnes@barnesgroup.co.uk


Creeting St Mary Community Speedwatch

Jennie Blackburn - Co-ordinator - 01449 721369


Creeting St Mary Welfare Charities

Mr. D. Blackburn - 01449 721369


Member of Parliament for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich

Patrick Spencer - patrick.spencer.mp@parliament.uk


Creeting St, Mary Primary School

Mrs. Christine Friar - Headteacher

01449 720312, office@creetingstmary.suffolk.sch.uk


Priest-in-Charge North Bosmere Benefice



Parochial Church Council

PCC Secretary: Hazel Minter - 01449 722148

Treasurer: David Haynes - 01449 722570



Diamond Jubilee Village Hall IP6 8NF and Phone box at Jack's Green IP6 8NA