On Wednesday March 8th the Creeting St Mary women’s institutes speaker was Hattie Bennett, the topic “my life in music”
A fantastic evening was had by the Creeting St Mary women’s institute members, Hattie Bennett tells the story of her life as a professional musician. Born in Manchester, both her parents were musicians playing in the Halle orchestra. Her mum was a professional double bass player in a male dominated world. As Hattie started her own musical career, she also encountered many hurdles as a female musician.
inheriting the cello from her father, she worked playing in the orchestras in the west end to some of the world greatest musicals. In the 70’s Hattie and her husband moved to Suffolk as well as teaching, she played in the orchestra for the Wolsey Theatre.
Hattie is committed into performing music locally as well as using local musicians to audiences of all ages, and has many events booked in Felixstowe for 2023.